The Swiss Pro Venezia Foundation is a member of the Association of International Private Committees for the Safeguarding of Venice (COMPRIVE), which brings together a large number of Italian and non-Italian organizations with aims and activities similar to those of our Foundation.

In particular, Pro Venezia Svizzera was elected to the Executive Committee of the Association, which meets monthly in Venice. In 2013 Giordano Zeli, the Chairman of our Foundation, was elected Vice Chairman of COMPRIVE. Over the years the International Private Committees have worked closely through the UNESCO Venice Office with the Venetian Superintendencies, the local arm of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism, to identify priorities and to tackle them. Since 1969, they have financed the restoration of over a hundred monuments and a thousand artworks, provided laboratory equipment and scientific know-how, supported research projects and financed innumerable bursaries to enable craftsmen and women and restorers to attend specialist courses in Venice.

Fully aware that “just” the restoration of monuments and works of art is not enough to ensure the safeguarding of Venice, COMPRIVE also perceives its performance of an important “watch dog” function as part of its mission to safeguard the city. It does not wish Venice to become a “Disneyland” or for the city to be desecrated by an ill-considered influx of tourists and of enormous cruise-ships … or by inappropriate advertising hoardings that obscure the view of entire palaces. And this while the resident population of the city is in constant decline.



The following committees are members of COMPRIVE (status January 1th, 2022):

America-Italy Society of Philadelphia; Amici della Scuola Grande di San Rocco; Associazione Amici dei Musei e Monumenti Veneziani; Associazione Cavalieri di San Marco; Venedig lebt (Austria); Venezia aVvenire (Japan); Comitato Italiano per Venezia; Comitato di Venezia - Società Dante Alighieri; Comité Français pour la Sauvegarde de Venise; Comunità Ebraica di Venezia; Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig; Swiss Foundation Pro Venezia; The V-A-C Foundation (Moskow/Venice); Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti; Istituto Veneto per i Beni Culturali; Komiteen Pro Venezia Denmark; Pro Venezia Sweden; Save Venice Inc. (New York); Stichting Nederlands Venetie Comité; SUMUS, Neully-sur-Seine (F); TBA21-Academy (Vienna/London); UIA Università Internazionale dell’Arte (Venice); Venetian Heritage (New York); Venice Gardens Foundation; Venice in Peril Fund (UK); We are here Venice; World Monuments Fund (New York).

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